Level of menarche anxiety before and after adolescent reproductive health education in SDN 19 Lahat Students


  • Helmi Rosa Gunadi Department of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pasundan
  • Arifin Soenggono Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pasundan
  • Silsa Mutmaini Medical Education Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pasundan


anxiety, education, menarche, menstrual cycle, reproductive health


Women menstruate at varying ages, making it difficult for adolescent girls to describe what is going on with their bodies. They are unprepared and unable to manage their menstruation appropriately due to the limited source of information they receive. As a result, teenage girls experience anxiety symptoms such as fear, anxiety, and discomfort. Anxiety can be decreased by giving the female students sufficient education associated with reproductive health prior to menarche via video media, presentations, discussions, and questions and answers. In this study, an experimental strategy was being used, with a pre-experimental design and a pretest and posttest one-group design. Because the study was conducted on variables for which no data was available, the process had to be modified by providing particular treatments to the research subjects, which were then observed and measured. Before the intervention, it was known that 22 respondents (58%) were not anxious, 4 respondents (11%) had mild anxiety, 7 respondents (18%) had moderate anxiety, 5 respondents (13%) had severe anxiety, and there were no respondents with very severe anxiety. Following the health education intervention, it was observed that 25 respondents (66%) had no anxiety, 6 respondents (16%) had mild anxiety, 4 respondents (11%) had moderate anxiety, and 3 respondents (8%) had severe anxiety but did not report it. There were some people who were experiencing significant anxiety. The students of SD Negeri 19 Lahat experienced a significantly reduced anxi ety concerning menarche both before and after receiving reproductive health education.


